Dec 6, 2013

Research Progress Report #1

Research Progress Report #1

While initially planning to research into ways of commercializing a board-game of my own devising, I’ve realized that I would need to first explore what has been done and from that, find out what works and what doesn’t. In order to achieve that I am now exploring the potential of Practice-based or practice-led research which based on a guide written by Linda Candy is an “original investigation undertaken in order to gain new knowledge partly by means of practice and the outcomes of that practice.”

I have yet to discuss this in full with my supervisor but I think my next step would be to interview the many table-top game developers in Malaysia and find out how they attempted to commercialize their own board-games and also whether or not those methods were successful or did not achieve their intended goals. Armed with that knowledge, I would like to plan out my own pathway to commercializing my own board-game entitled “Dungeon Fodder” and see if my new approach works.

The few hurdles I foresee would be the means to manufacture as well as sell my board-game. During my research I’ve also come across many websites and services that sell small-order custom board-games by independent developers internationally. This could also be a practical modal that I can emulate or subscribe to in order to self-publish my board-game and document its progress.

Looking forward, I’d be looking into these areas as I conduct my research (through Interviews) with various parties such as table-top developers, board-game communities, manufacturers, retailers and also businesses.

Research Areas

Inspiration – How and why develop board-games as opposed to other mediums
Prototyping & Testing – Their process of prototyping and testing and documenting the results
Funding Projects – How did they fund their projects?
Manufacturing – How did they approach manufacturing?
Self-Publishing vs Publishing – Their opinions on the benefits and cons of both methods.
Copyright, Patents & Protection – How did they go about protecting their Intellectual Property.
Social Media & Marketing – How did they market their products.
Board-game Festivals – Alternate ways of bringing board-games to the international arena.

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